How do I install software packages on the RCE?

As a RCE user, you are allowed to install packages and modules to your own home directory. We have documentation for installing modules for Python, R, and Stata, in this section:

Many common statistical applications are already available, pre-installed in the RCE. If you need additional software for your work in the RCE, you are free to download, build, and install software within the space that has been allocated for your RCE home directory and project space.

When you run your configure script, give it an argument of --prefix=$HOME.

If the software you need is available from a trusted repository, we may also be able to add your software to the list of default applications in the RCE. Please contact us with your request.

If you were redirected here from the RCE, you may have been trying to install a package using apt-get. This is a package manager for Debian-based systems, and isn't compatible with the RCE. If you need assistance with installing additional software that isn't available on the RCE, please contact us (or by phone: 617-495-4734) for support!